Privacy policy and cookies
Identity of the data controller
Basket4Ballers, a limited liability company with a capital of 100,000 euros, registered with the Strasbourg B Trade and Companies Register under number 510 461 528 and whose head office is located at 2 rue Salzmann - 67000 Strasbourg.
User: any natural person, with or without a Basket4Ballers account, using the Basket4Ballers Site or any of the services offered on it.
Site: the site as well as the mobile and desktop versions.
Data collection and processing purposes
Basket4Ballers collects personal data on all Users browsing, consulting and ordering on our Site, in particular through the use of cookies in accordance with current legislation.
This data is collected when the User :
- create an account
- subscribes to newsletters or alerts from Basket4Ballers
- place an order or request a return on the site
- places products in its shopping basket, using functional cookies (see "Cookies" paragraph), to enable it to finalize its purchase at a later date.
- contacts Basket4Ballers Customer Service by any means of communication at its disposal, such as e-mail, instant messaging (chat), etc.
- take part in a promotional game/competition
- browses the Site and consults articles
- write a comment or review on an article
- share a review with a friend by sending an e-mail from an item record
- share a review via Facebook, Google +, Twitter, Delicious, Instagram or Pinterest from an item record
- fills in a form to enter information, questionnaires on the Site
The data collected is required for the following purposes:
- Management and follow-up of commercial relations between Basket4Ballers and the customer (in particular operations relating to orders, deliveries and returns, transactions, payments and invoices, complaints, etc.).
- Commercial prospecting (see "Newsletters" paragraph)
- Personalization of Site content, display of targeted advertising, particularly on social networks.
- Sharing information with our business partners
- Provision of sharing buttons for social networks
- Setting up promotional games
- Production of audience measurement statistics and marketing studies
- Preventing and combating fraud when paying for orders
Account creation, forms and questionnaires
The User must fill in all fields on the account creation form or any other form used to enter information on the Site, with the exception of fields displayed as optional, i.e. not marked with an asterisk. Optional information is collected by Basket4Ballers and allows us to better know the Users of the Site.
All information marked with an asterisk is mandatory. The User must answer them.
Any failure to answer will result in the non creation of an account or the non validation of the information entry form. Basket4Ballers will not respond to User requests.
Data recipients
The data collected is intended for use by Basket4Ballers. The data may be transmitted to commercial and advertising partners, credit institutions, Net Reviews, police services within the framework of legal requisitions.
The data may also be processed by subcontractors used by Basket4Ballers to personalize the contents of the Site, to ship orders, to collect debts, to prevent and fight against fraud, and to provide chat services.
Right of access, rectification and deletion
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, as amended, the User has the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning him or her. Users may expressly object to the processing of their personal data. To do so, simply write to Basket4Ballers, 2 rue Salzmann - 67000 Strasbourg, 67200 Strasbourg or fill in the online form Contact Customer Service.
The User must indicate his full name and postal address. The request must be signed and accompanied by valid identification bearing the User's signature. The User may specify the address to which the reply should be sent.
Basket4Ballers has a period of 2 months from receipt of the User's request to reply. At the end of this period, the Customer may refer the matter to the CNIL in the event of a negative response or no response from Basket4Ballers.
Transfer of personal data outside the European Union
Basket4Ballers informs the User that his personal data may be transmitted to service providers located in the United States as part of the optimization of its advertising campaigns. These service providers act in compliance with the European provisions relating to the protection of personal data of the "Privacy Shield" agreement. Basket4Ballers may transfer data related to the activities of the commercial relationship with the customer.
Data retention period
Basket4Ballers retains data for a period of five years from the end of the relationship with the customer or prospect. The period starts from either the last order, or the last connection to the customer account, or the last call to customer service, or the sending of an e-mail to customer service, or a click on a hypertext link in an e-mail sent by Basket4Ballers, or the placing of products in the basket without completing the purchase, or finally a positive response to an e-mail asking if the customer wishes to continue to receive commercial prospecting at the end of the five-year period. At the end of this period, the customer's or prospect's data will be anonymized.
Nevertheless, information used to establish proof of a right or contract, or kept to comply with a legal obligation, may be archived in accordance with the legal provisions in force.
Fate of personal data after death
Basket4Ballers informs the User that he can define, during his lifetime, directives relative to the conservation, the deletion and the communication of his personal data after his death. These directives may be general or specific. The User may modify or revoke these instructions at any time. To do so, the User may contact Basket4Ballers - 2 rue Salzmann - 67000 Strasbourg or use the online form " Contact Customer Service ".
Basket4Ballers Newsletters
When creating an account and subsequently managing preferences via the "My account" section, the User may subscribe to the Basket4Ballers newsletter and thus choose to be informed at regular intervals of offers proposed on the Site. The User may at any time modify the information he/she wishes to receive or unsubscribe by clicking on the appropriate link at the bottom of each newsletter. This link is also accessible on the Site under the heading "My account".
Identified Users who have chosen one or more of the services offered by the Site also subscribe to the newsletter. They may at any time modify the information they wish to receive or unsubscribe by clicking on the appropriate link at the bottom of each newsletter. This link is also accessible on the Site under the heading "My account".
As an exception to the foregoing and in accordance with Article L 34-5 of the French Post and Electronic Communications Code, Basket4Ballers may send commercial prospecting by electronic means to the User who has not given his prior consent provided that the User is already a Basket4Ballers customer, that he has not objected to receiving commercial prospecting when creating his account and that the prospecting concerns products or services similar to those already provided by Basket4Ballers. He/she may unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided in each newsletter or on the Site in the "My Account" section.
Postal mail and telephone number
The customer's postal address and telephone number are necessary for the processing and management of orders and for commercial relations between Basket4Ballers and the customer.
Basket4Ballers uses this personal data for commercial prospecting purposes. At any time, the customer has the possibility to oppose to it in a simple and free way on the Site in the heading "My account" or by mail at the following address: Basket4Ballers, 2 rue Salzmann - 67000 Strasbourg.
Users who do not wish to be the subject of commercial prospecting by telephone are informed that they have the right to oppose telephone canvassing by entering their fixed and/or mobile telephone numbers on the free opposition list accessible via the site Users are informed that their request will be processed within 30 days of confirmation of their registration. Registration is valid for 3 years.
Sms / mms
Basket4Ballers may use the customer's cell phone number to manage orders and may also use it for commercial prospecting purposes. At any time, the customer has the possibility of objecting to this simply and free of charge on the Site under the heading "My account" or by post to the following address: Basket4Ballers, 2 rue Salzmann - 67000 Strasbourg.
The identified User can subscribe to the size and brand alerts proposed by Basket4Ballers. He can unsubscribe from the alerts he has subscribed to at any time in the "My account" section. Size alerts are automatically deactivated if there is no restocking after 3 months.
This service enables customers to post a review on the Site for a product they have purchased and to share their experience. Published reviews are publicly accessible and available on the Site at all times. The customer authorizes Basket4Ballers to publish and communicate on the Site its opinion on the product. The review shall not constitute a message of a defamatory, injurious, criminal, vulgar, slanderous nature with respect to third parties, natural or legal persons, racist, inciting to discrimination, prejudicial to the honour/reputation of others, violent or pornographic, and more generally, not in conformity with the legislation in force.
Basket4Ballers therefore reserves the right to delete any notice that does not comply with the above provisions. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, as amended by the Act of August 6, 2004, you have the right to access, rectify and object to any data concerning you that is held by Basket4Ballers.
[bcookies="Set my preferences"]
Définition du cookie
Un cookie est un petit fichier texte qui est placé ou stocké sur votre terminal (ordinateur, tablette ou appareil mobile) lorsque vous visitez un site internet. Le cookie permet à un site de vous reconnaître, de vous aider à naviguer de page en page sur un site internet, fournit des connexions sécurisées et se souvient de vos préférences lors de vos prochaines visites.
Basket4Ballers a recours à l'utilisation de cookies afin de reconnaître l’Utilisateur (client ou non) lors de sa connexion sur le Site. Basket4Ballers utilise également le « Localstorage » du navigateur qui a le même principe de fonctionnement que les cookies. L’action de suppression des cookies supprime également le « Localstorage » du navigateur.
Suppression des cookies
L’Utilisateur peut à tout moment désactiver les cookies enregistrés sur son terminal. Pour cela, il lui suffit de sélectionner les paramètres appropriés dans son navigateur. Cependant, cette désactivation aura pour conséquence d'empêcher l'accès à certaines fonctionnalités du Site permettant de personnaliser les services proposés par Basket4Ballers.
Les différents types de cookies utilisés
• Les cookies strictement nécessaires : ces cookies vous permettent de naviguer sur le Site et sont indispensables au bon fonctionnement du Site. Leur désactivation entraînera des difficultés dans l’utilisation du Site et aura pour conséquence d'empêcher l'accès à certaines fonctionnalités.
• Les cookies fonctionnels : ces cookies permettent de mémoriser vos préférences, vos choix afin de personnaliser votre expérience sur le Site.
• Les cookies de performance et statistiques : ces cookies collectent des informations sur la façon dont les Utilisateurs utilisent le Site (le nombre de visites, le nombre de pages consultées, l’activité des visiteurs) via les outils d’analyse Google Analytics et Facebook. Ces cookies nous permettent également d’identifier et de résoudre les problèmes de fonctionnement du Site et de l’améliorer.
• Les cookies publicitaires : ces cookies enregistrent des informations pour vous adresser des publicités personnalisées et adaptées en fonction de vos centres d’intérêts. Ils nous aident également à comptabiliser l’activité de nos espaces publicitaires, à mesurer l’audience, etc…). Par exemple, les cookies liés aux opérations relatives à la publicité ciblée, traceurs de réseaux sociaux générés par les boutons de partage de réseaux sociaux tels que Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, Google +, Instagram (Plugins sociaux).
• Les cookies partenaires : ces cookies placés sur le terminal par des sociétés partenaires permettent d’identifier les articles consultés ou achetés sur le Site et de collecter des données de navigation afin de personnaliser l’offre publicitaire qui est adressée à l’Utilisateur en dehors du Site. Dans le cadre de ce type de partenariat publicitaire, Basket4Ballers peut être amené à transmettre au partenaire des données concernant les articles consultés par l’Utilisateur lors de sa navigation sur le site ainsi que la nature de ses achats. L’Utilisateur peut refuser ces cookies à tout moment en sélectionnant les paramètres appropriés dans son navigateur. Ce refus aura pour conséquence d'empêcher l'accès à certaines fonctionnalités proposées par les sociétés partenaires de Basket4Ballers
• Les boutons réseaux sociaux : Basket4Ballers met à la disposition des internautes des boutons de partage tels que Facebook, Twitter (voir paragraphe « Plugins réseaux sociaux » ci-dessous).
La gestion des cookies
Pour la gestion des cookies et de vos choix, la configuration de chaque navigateur est différente. Elle est décrite dans le menu d'aide de votre navigateur, qui vous permettra de savoir de quelle manière modifier vos souhaits en matière de cookies.
Désactivation des cookies via les principaux navigateurs :
Internet explorer 1) Dans le menu « Outils », sélectionnez « Options Internet »
2) Cliquez ensuite sur l’onglet « Confidentialité »
3) Cliquez sur le bouton « Avancé » pour faire apparaitre la fenêtre « Paramètres de confidentialité avancés ».
4) Cochez ensuite la case « Ignorer la gestion automatique des cookies », puis sélectionnez « Refuser » et sauvegardez vos préférences en cliquant sur « OK ».
Mozilla Firefox
1) Dans le menu en haut de la page cliquez sur « Outils », puis « Options »
2) Sélectionnez l’onglet « Vie privée »
3) Paramétrer le menu « Règles de conservation », cliquez sur « utiliser les paramètres personnalisés pour l’historique »
4) Décochez la case « accepter les cookies tiers » et sauvegardez vos préférences en cliquant sur « OK ».
Google Chrome
1) Dans le menu, cliquez sur « Paramètres » puis sur « Afficher les paramètres avancés »
2) Sélectionnez l’onglet « Confidentialité » puis le menu « Paramètres de contenus ».
3) Cochez la case « Bloquer les cookies et données de sites tiers » et sauvegardez vos préférences en cliquant sur « OK ».
1) Dans le menu en haut de la page, cliquez sur « Safari », puis « Préférences »
2) Cliquez sur l’onglet « Confidentialité »
3) Décochez la case « Accepter les cookies » et sauvegardez vos préférences.
Désactivation via une plateforme interprofessionnelle
Vous pouvez également vous connecter au site Youronlinechoices, proposé par les professionnels de la publicité digitale regroupés au sein de l’association européenne EDAA (European Digital Advertising Alliance) et géré en France par l’Interactive Advertising Bureau France. Cette plate-forme européenne est partagée par des centaines de professionnels de la publicité sur Internet et constitue une interface centralisée vous permettant d'exprimer votre refus ou votre acceptation des cookies susceptibles d'être utilisés afin d'adapter à la navigation de votre terminal les publicités susceptibles d'y être affichées :
Basket4Ballers informe l’Utilisateur que cette procédure n'empêchera pas l'affichage de publicités sur les sites Internet que vous visitez. Elle ne bloquera que les technologies qui permettent d'adapter des publicités à vos centres d'intérêts.
Web beacons
Basket4Ballers uses web beacons on certain pages of the Site to count the number of visitors to the page. These web beacons may be used in conjunction with some of our commercial partners, in particular to measure and improve the effectiveness of certain advertisements. The information collected via these web beacons is anonymous and makes it possible to determine the number of visitors to certain pages of the Site, in order to better assist Site Users.
Social networking plugins
The Site uses social network plugins such as Facebook and Twitter (hereinafter referred to as "Social Networks"). For example, if the User is connected to Facebook while browsing the Site, Facebook will be able to directly link his/her visit to his/her Facebook user account even if the User has not used the share button. If the User interacts with the plugins, for example by clicking on the "Like" button or leaving a comment, the corresponding information will be transmitted to and stored on a Facebook server. This information will be published on the User's Facebook account.
Basket4Ballers does not manage the data collected by the Social Networks via the buttons. The User must read the personal data protection policy published by the Social Networks concerned, in order to know how the data collected by the latter is processed and used, as well as the settings available to protect the User's privacy. If the User does not wish the Social Network to link the information collected through Basket4Ballers to his/her Social Network user account, he/she must disconnect from the Social Network before consulting the Site.
Security measures taken by Basket4Ballers to ensure the protection of personal data
Basket4Ballers implements all technical means in accordance with the rules of the art to maintain the integrity, security and confidentiality of data and in particular to prevent them from being deformed, damaged or accessed by unauthorized third parties.
When placing an order, no banking data is collected or stored by Basket4Ballers. Basket4Ballers uses the services of PCI-DSS certified service providers to ensure payment security.
Fraud prevention and control
The data collected is also used to prevent and combat fraud, in particular credit card fraud. Basket4Ballers reserves the right to verify the personal data communicated by the customer when placing the order and to adopt all measures deemed necessary to verify that the person whose bank account is debited is indeed the person who placed the order, in order to avoid any fraudulent payment. This verification may take the form of a request for proof of identity and/or address.
In the absence of a negative response from the customer, Basket4Ballers reserves the right to cancel the order placed by the customer.
Recruitment and applications
The personal information collected is processed in accordance with the law of January 6, 1978 in order to manage and track applications via a recruitment software on our Site. The data controller is Basket4Ballers (see "Identity of data controller").
The data collected is intended for use by Basket4Ballers and is kept for a period of 2 years from the last contact with the applicant.
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, candidates have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete their personal data. Candidates may object to the disclosure of their contact details. To do so, simply write to Basket4Ballers - 2 rue Salzmann - 67000 Strasbourg.
, giving your full name and postal address. The request must be signed and specify the address to which the reply should be sent. A reply will be sent within 2 months of receipt of the request, as evidenced by the postmark.