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Jordan Tatum 2 Vortex Bild Nr. 1 Jordan Tatum 2 Vortex Bild Nr. 2 Jordan Tatum 2 Vortex Bild Nr. 3 Jordan Tatum 2 Vortex Bild Nr. 4 Jordan Tatum 2 Vortex Bild Nr. 5 Jordan Tatum 2 Vortex Bild Nr. 6 Jordan Tatum 2 Vortex Bild Nr. 7 Jordan Tatum 2 Vortex Bild Nr. 8 Jordan Tatum 2 Vortex Bild Nr. 9 Jordan Tatum 2 Vortex Bild Nr. 10 Jordan Tatum 2 Vortex image n°11

Jayson Tatum Tatum 2
Big Kids' Basketball Shoes
Before high scores and MVP awards, you gotta take the first step. The Tatum 2 makes it easy with a collapsible heel that springs back into place once you're in. And out on the court, a conforming fit and efficient build help you stay light on your feet until you hear that buzzer.

Conforming Fit
To help support your low-to-the-ground gameplay, the Tatum 2 frame wraps underneath the sole and onto the upper for added containment.
Get Grippy
You're always moving on the court. That's where the rubber outsole and ground-contact foam come in—adding responsiveness and traction for your offense and defense.
Lightweight Build
Every time you go up with a light shoe, you're saving energy. We used rubber on the outsole (where you need it most) but foam with ample traction does the heavy lifting.
STEP Into Greatness
With its intuitive design, the collapsible heel helps you get in and out of your shoes with ease. Once you're in, it springs back into place—and holds its shape.

Jordan Tatum 2 Junior Vortex GS
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+++++ 4.8 5 10 Geprüfte Bewertungen

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Belle chaussure mais peu confortable et taille petit

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Note: 5 / 5 + + + + +

sehr gute Qualität

Note: 5 / 5 + + + + +

bonne chaussure

Note: 5 / 5 + + + + +

très belles chaussures, confortables, legeres

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Le gosse est ravi

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